Make this dish spicier by adding more Sriracha.


Korean Ground Beef (adapted from here)


1 pound lean ground beef

1 tablespoon sesame oil

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated

1/2 cup soy sauce

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 teaspoon Sriracha

green onions, for garnish


Heat a large nonstick skillet over high heat.  Add the ground beef and cook until almost all browned.   Add the sesame oil, garlic, and ginger.  Cook for 3 minutes to cook the garlic.  Add brown sugar, soy sauce, and Sriracha.   Cook over high heat until sauce is thick and shiny, about  5 minutes.  Serve over rice or cauliflower rice and top with green onions.